Hello people! How are you in these crazy days?
Here is a Q&A that my friend @ragmig has tagged me, and well... I love Q&A so lets do it.
♥️Pick one, a comedy movie or a horror movie?
Can I do not chose anyone? lol I dont like horror cause I get scared easily and is a nightmare for me.
And I am not a big fan of comedy (except the romantic ones).
♥️Pick one, cats or dogs?
I am animal lover, sorry, impossible choose too.
♥️Pick one, chatting or phone call?
Chatting for sure.
♥️Pick one, cheat or be cheated on?
Neither?! Buttt... If I have to choose I will pick be cheated (and put a end in the relationship) because I'd rather be at peace with my conscience than be an asshole.
♥️Pick one, chicken or beef?
I dont eat any kind of animals.
♥️Pick one, Coke or Pepsi?
♥️Pick one, exceptional strength or intelligence
♥️Pick one, forgiveness or vengeance?
I know, I know, is not a pretty thing but but I have an incredible memory to keep any hurt that they did to me or the one I love.
♥️Pick one, free health care or free education?
Free health care.
♥️Pick one, Halloween or Valentine’s Day
Halloween ALWAYS! As a cosplayer I live halloween all year!
♥️Pick one, IOS or Android?
♥️Pick one, kill or be killed?
Kill people, but be killed by animals. I believe i could never kill an animal, in any situation.
♥️Pick one, meat or fish?
♥️Pick one, monopoly or chess?
♥️Pick one, Nike or Adidas?
Adidas? I don't know I never had one of these.
♥️Pick one, stripes or Polka dot?
♥️Pick one, summer or winter ?
Winter (my name is Blizzard for some reason lol)
♥️Pick one, vanilla or chocolate?
♥️Pick one, sweet or salty?
Salty for sure!
I nominate: @msilveira @eveel @endilolita @babu
@penny @lemon @missy