Nobody tag me but I like this kind of questions....
1. What food do you crave most
Tomato soup 🍅
2.Can you swim?
3. Can you whistle?
4. Home on a beach or in the mountains?
In the mountains of course!
5. Hotdogs or Hamburgers?
No one. Maybe pizza.
6. Shower or tub?
Tub 😍
7. How many TVs are in your house?
8. Do you own a gun?
No, I not a fan of guns.
9. Favorite type of food?
Tomato soup 🍅also pasta and pizza.
10. Favorite hobbies?
I like to paint and draw, but I haven't done it for a while (to many work to do and I love my work).
11. Favorite time of year?
Autumn (and my bday, because is carnival)
12. Favorite drink in the morning?
Dark coffee.
13. Favorite outdoors activities?
Work out, play with my dog and just be under the sun.
14. 3 Favorite drinks?
Orange juice.
15. 3 Things I love?
Modeling, sex, food...
16. Do I have a crush?
17. 4 turn on's.
Good dancer, a sexy body, be gentle and sweet look.
18. 4 turn offs.
Rude people, people who dont like animals, who dont care about others, agressive people.
19. How I feel right now.
Right now? Amazing, I just did a live stream on SG onlyfans and was so great. I love it!
20. My current relationship status.
I have an amazing and supportive boyfriend @msilveira
I'm tagging now:
@lemon @msilveira @angellolita @eveel @ragmig