Ok this update is just for Megz cause she asked me too lol. I have to finish writing a paper that is due Friday which sucks but it's about art and absinthe which I know a lot about so it shouldn't be too bad. Speaking of absinthe I just recieved 7 more bottles and I think my little party I am going to have to break in the new home will be a absinthe one
something on a smaller scale. This weekend is a fashion show with dj's spinning industrial and electronic which should be interesting so I am looking forward to that.
On another note I mentioned before that I an going to be in a gallery show in june which I am excited about but I am even more excited that I also am going to be in another one in October!!!!! I have to start peices for that show next week but Im looking forward to putting my new found space to creative use. This updates for you Megz
peace out hommie!

On another note I mentioned before that I an going to be in a gallery show in june which I am excited about but I am even more excited that I also am going to be in another one in October!!!!! I have to start peices for that show next week but Im looking forward to putting my new found space to creative use. This updates for you Megz

and i still want details on your projects! you can email them to me if you like.