hello my lovely fackers
Im strangely comfortable and have been for the past couple of weeks. Everything just seems great and I really haven't done anything towards it either, just been fixing my new place up (to my taste) and about to paint it. School is boring but it got me back to painting alot which could be the reason why I am feeling much much better being that I have felt I haven't been creative in such a long time Im even writing music again! Work and school is still keeping me busy but not keeping me stress,,,It's kick ass cuz I even been having an awsome time being a Rawk (Megz most frequent word, she's soooooo cool) star, and actually meeting kick ass people, people that actually bring out my creativity which I haven't been around people like that in awhile. Anyways if there is even anyone who reads this journal anymore I hope your weekend was a good one too
ciao Fackers!

ciao Fackers!

where's my dawg at????