you know it just seems like the higher powers just hate me (flicking them off right now) so yesterday it turns out some fucker from the Phillipines got a hold of my credit card info and charge his happy ass a good ol time at my expense, over 1000.00 bucks! But the bank is giving me it back so it just more of an bump in the road i guess but still,,,,there are some fucking assoholes out there......but Im staying positive. They got a bit of my info so I had to change everything even my phone number which I have to change again cuz I hate the area code they assigned me to, but I have been meaning to get a new phone anyways so again just another bump in the road. This weekend I am going to stay smiling (even though shit is not going so smooth with certain things) and I am going to have a great FUCKING TIME GOD DAMN IT!
I love you all and have a safe weekend


i certainly benefitted from all the kind wishes regarding my dance show. Thank you

Thank you very much for the comment!