Sunday Mar 06, 2005 Mar 6, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email talk about a beautiful day,,,,,,,,,,,but still can't wait for spring break! to everyone VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS soporific: Yeah, what the fuck happened? Yesterday was a freak accident the weather people on TV said. No more of it For an indefinite period of time. Mar 7, 2005 shera: awww i like your new pic!It' cute! Well I guess I REALLy like the miss sixty dress on my list or any of the books.... yeah the weather was ridiculous here yesterday....beautiful...then it snowed this morning??WTF??? Why aren't you on my friends list?? Mar 8, 2005
Well I guess I REALLy like the miss sixty dress on my list or any of the books....
yeah the weather was ridiculous here yesterday....beautiful...then it snowed this morning??WTF???
Why aren't you on my friends list??