well things are starting to look up, my condo deal looks to be finally coming to and end and I should have it by yhe end of March so thats cool, not to mention my school semister is coming to a close so I will have a week off before I have to go back. This weekend Im going to have some fun with friends getting drunk while watching live Mexican Wrestling,,,,,Why you ask? Who the fuck knows, because it is different and I never seen it before lol plus midgets wrestle and when midgets are involve it's a sure good time
everything else will either get better or worse, only time will tell but either way I am not going to let it get me down it's time for me to start being happy again (not that I wasn't before) but im just starting to get more time to do things that I want to do instead of shit that I have to do
anyways I will try to post some pics from the event sunday or monday if my camera works
ta ta for now

ta ta for now

Ehhh....I do have a wishlist!!!
I would also like newest set to EVER go up for my birthday..too many girls on here now!