so after a discouraging conversation with a love one (things seem to be hard between us and it stings a bit)I felt I needed to go out and try to start enjoying myself once again so me and a few friends went down to an old stomping ground that just happens to be in a ghetto in the city, IT WAS FUN AS HELL but I got a piece of glass from a car that just happen to catch on fire while we around
everything is fucked up one way or another in that neighborhood. But I drank, I danced, I moshed and it was fantastic! Now I got a headache but a price I would paly gladly especially how shits been going lately. Anyways hope you all had a fantastic weekend! O and next week is mexican wrestling which will have midgets as well at the congress if anyone wants to go let me know cause Im going with some people and we are getting tanked before we walk in! should be fun, I'll take pictures
ciao Fackers

ciao Fackers

Oh, and as far as ghettos go, every time we find ourselves in the city (me & my mom) we always get lost in a ghetto where the buildings have wooden boards for windows. We then proceed to lock our doors and drive like crazy hoping not to get pulled over by a pseudo-gangsta cop. LoL