Ok people here are fucking retards so this Christmas didn't go so well. I decided to spend it with friends instead of family this year, and everything was going just peachy. You see I have this really good friend who goes to school out of state and she is like my best friend who knows most of my secrets so I respect her. I went over to her house and we started drinking with her family and had a few laughs. Then when everyone started to go home we decided to go to this bar in Roselle. Now she has told me in the past that she makes horrible mistakes when she is drunk and I am the one she always cry's too when these mistakes happen. Well when we where at the bar we did our own thing I met a few girls and she met a few guys the only thing is she was cornered by these three guys( the where grabbing here and trying to kiss her, did I mention there was three of them) In any case the night was fine until this happened and when I saw this happen I put a stop to it really fast, ( I laid all three guys out on the floor before security even knew what was going on) and she was a little upset at me for doing so. She said she could handle herself but she could bearly stand and I ask myself was I wrong for stepping in? I don't know anymore, why do girls think that assholes are nice and that they can take on the world,,,,especially when intoxicated? Now she thinks I like her that way and I really don't. I'm very loyal to my friends and I always watch out form them and due to my job I can spot when someone has a bad idea in mind. Well in either case I hope everyone elses Christmas was fantastic and I wish you all best wishes now and forever . ciao

what exactly does the work entail? is it security guard, mercenary, what? i was in the military too... i might be interested in this.
also, is speaking spanish/ portugese a requirement?