I am soootired and hung over today. It has been hard to do much of anything. i went to see the Adicts last night at Slims in SF and toyed with my biggest vice of drinking. Vanilla Stoli and Coke...Good last night but hurts today. The bellydance audition last Wednesday went extremely well, so now we (the troope and I) have to play the waiting game. It looks like Juxtapoz magazine wants to do a product review on my clothing line. It would be nice if I could get the web site up first. Its almost done..(of course I have been saying that for about three months now). Than you all can have a look as well. For now I have to make some tea and put my hung over ass in bed with a book. I am reading Fast Food Nation right now. I just started and already i have learned some cool history...did you know that the guy who made McDonalds big and Walt Disney were friends that ended up hating each other so much that thier anger drove each of them to try to outdo each other. Crazy to think that two fictures of my childhood were born out of some caddy vendictive bullshit. DUH! goodnight
haha she's sooo pretty... so on with breakfast.. I choose your vagina first.
haha yes. it's official. you rock