Another long and eventful week!
I put in another offer on the house I am trying to buy....Keep your fingers crossed. Tell me...What is the coolest thing your landlord ever did for you?
I watched a creepy sick foreign film called In My Flesh about a woman who has an accident and becomes obsessed with tearing and chewing on her own flash. Fuckin insane!
I saw a physic yesterday for the first time. Creepy how many things he knew. He mostly got info from my dead step-father and grandmother. There were details about events that I did not believe untill I confirmed the stories with my mom. It was very cool and I realy feel like this guy is the real deal! Have you had any experiance with a physic?
Sweetpea had a birthday party last night....super fun. She hooked up the kerioke machine just in time for everyone to be wasted enough to not give a fuck. I hate to admit but it was really a ggod time. And boy can I show them how to do it with B52's Loveshack! Whats your favorite song to do while drunk?
I droped my palm pilot for the last time
there is no recovering from this one, and I did not have all my info backed up. Sucks big time. So if there are any of you that I had your contact info, please send it to me so I can call you.....
Finally I had to give my cute little roomate 30 days notice
. It sucks but she is just turning into a person I can not be around anymore. I feel like she's strugling to become someone who she is not, and it kills me because everyone , myself included, loved her so much the way she was. But I guess she's going through something right now and thats ok. She just can't do it in my house anymore. Sucks to be twenty. I know I wouldn't want to do it again. Think you know it all and don't quite realize that actions have consequences even it seems harmless. There are other people in the world that we affect even with our body language and words. Its important that we see our existence as a sum of the whole , rather then a self centered bubble.
Oh yeh P.S. check the wishlist!wishlist
I put in another offer on the house I am trying to buy....Keep your fingers crossed. Tell me...What is the coolest thing your landlord ever did for you?
I watched a creepy sick foreign film called In My Flesh about a woman who has an accident and becomes obsessed with tearing and chewing on her own flash. Fuckin insane!
I saw a physic yesterday for the first time. Creepy how many things he knew. He mostly got info from my dead step-father and grandmother. There were details about events that I did not believe untill I confirmed the stories with my mom. It was very cool and I realy feel like this guy is the real deal! Have you had any experiance with a physic?
Sweetpea had a birthday party last night....super fun. She hooked up the kerioke machine just in time for everyone to be wasted enough to not give a fuck. I hate to admit but it was really a ggod time. And boy can I show them how to do it with B52's Loveshack! Whats your favorite song to do while drunk?
I droped my palm pilot for the last time

Finally I had to give my cute little roomate 30 days notice

Oh yeh P.S. check the wishlist!wishlist
Are you guys seeing the right wishlist....cuz....I don't want the Passion of Christ or the OC first season. I'm a little confused

Sorry, the wishlist at that link has those things. But there isn't a name associated with it on the page. That looks like a generic page where it tells you how to create a wishlist. Everything that is shown is listed under Top Sellers. I did a search for suicide, but didn't see a Bliss Suicide listed. Double-check your link.