So Warp tour was a blast! I am truely exausted in a way I have never been before in my life. Life on the road is rough when you are adveraging 3 hrs. or less sleep a night. The vending was a sucess and I will probably have my roomate do the whole tour next year. I will also be poping on to the Philedelphia, New York and Jersey shows in August. So if any of you will be there please come by and say hello.
I got to spend some time with Tegan, Paigeand Annie all of whom are as beautiful in real life as thier pictures, not to mention they are very cool!
Getting back into real life is sort of culture shock right now, you get into a sort of zen mode on the rode, of course that could have been sleep dep. on top of life dep.
I got to meet Juliette Lewis of Juliette and the licks. They were more punk rock then most of the bands on ther tour. You guys should check the web site Juliette and the licks
I got to spend some time with Tegan, Paigeand Annie all of whom are as beautiful in real life as thier pictures, not to mention they are very cool!
Getting back into real life is sort of culture shock right now, you get into a sort of zen mode on the rode, of course that could have been sleep dep. on top of life dep.
I got to meet Juliette Lewis of Juliette and the licks. They were more punk rock then most of the bands on ther tour. You guys should check the web site Juliette and the licks
thank you! it's great to be here!