So many rehearsals this week, beelydance and burlesque, My legs are so sore! So my tax man is trying to work things out, unfortunatly he will be useing this years tax return as a bargaining tool. I bought a truck to take all my crap on Warped Tour and two days later a fucking U-haul side swiped it in front of my house...I guess its just not my week. I'm putting my money on next week!
i had to drive a 24 ft. U-HAUL when i moved last week and this semi that was riding my tail pressed his brakes to late when i was slowing down because of an accident in front of me. the crazy redneck motherfucker narrowly misses rear ending me and swerved into a grassy median and turned his steering wheel to sharply causing the semi to flip on its side. crazy as shit. anyways i hope your tax situation works out and you have a nice weekend

WOW yeah next week will be better!