crap, the interwebs hate me. i have to mail my set in. this may take a while..
holy crap i finshed editing my set!
Care to share 

Well then, it had better get accepted so I can see it!
stupid post :: deleted
we have a winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ill be on trl on thursday (i think 330 pm est), rocking out to paramore. check me out.
Will you be able to hang out tonight for a while? Give me a call and let me know.
Will you be able to hang out tonight for a while? Give me a call and let me know.
stupid post:: deleted
stupid post:: deleted
oh my frickin god im happy! i talked to my friend tom, who i havent talked to in months!!! and we are starting class next thursday!! i cant wait to see him!!
this happy is voiding all the crap thats been happening lately. my mom being bossy and me not talking to my sister. and my job screwing me over with my transfer and my...
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this happy is voiding all the crap thats been happening lately. my mom being bossy and me not talking to my sister. and my job screwing me over with my transfer and my...
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Awesome, I'm glad you got to talk to Tom. How are he and Garrett doing?
Where are you going to be starting school?
I can't wait to see you! We're gonna have so much fun!!! And you'll get to meet all the kitties
Where are you going to be starting school?
I can't wait to see you! We're gonna have so much fun!!! And you'll get to meet all the kitties

They were being ridiculous. And I love you.
Aaannnnddddd....I get to see you next weekend! We're trying to get a futon before then so you don't have to sleep on the air mattress.
Aaannnnddddd....I get to see you next weekend! We're trying to get a futon before then so you don't have to sleep on the air mattress.
Well even if she wasn't a good model, you're a great photographer. Too bad you're all the way up in NJ!
My friend's back yard is gorgeous... and she knows the area well, I'll ask her and get back to you on that.
Jason's coming home the day you're coming you mind going with us to pick him up? We'll go out to dinner after we get him, etc.
Jason's coming home the day you're coming you mind going with us to pick him up? We'll go out to dinner after we get him, etc.
i hate my life.
i have my sister nagging at me cause im doing her model portfolio pics and apparently im not doing everything all at once so she needs to flip out. meanwhile she has been doing nothing but sitting around on her ass and waiting for me. i really cant stand her.
my stepdad has been stressing over the pics since he's paying...
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i have my sister nagging at me cause im doing her model portfolio pics and apparently im not doing everything all at once so she needs to flip out. meanwhile she has been doing nothing but sitting around on her ass and waiting for me. i really cant stand her.
my stepdad has been stressing over the pics since he's paying...
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i took some new pics. they are in my thread in the hopeful group. i dont feel like re-uploading them so go here and look at them. tell me you love me.
YAY! Tell Dave I'll cry all over him if he says no.
Will you still be able to come?