i have new hair
well not really, its just the old hair done differently. and i dont change my hair that often, which seems hard to believe.
im a little excited that i wrote my artist statement that im prolly gunna hand itno grad school when i apply in the fall
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Artist Statement
Since I have started making art, the media I have used has changed many times, but the content has been the same, the body and the self. I have chosen this main subject matter because I believe that the art that we make tells a perceived truth about whatever we choose to talk about. I cannot presume to know anything about the state of the world we live in or our society because frankly, I haven't been paying much attention. I feel that the self is, right now, the only thing that I can speak about with some degree of truth. Some of my current work has taken the form of clothing. In this I am trying to explore my fascination with dressing up, the idea of playing different roles and how what we wear says about who we are. Much of my other work either takes the literal form of a person or is an abstract space that has been referred to as womb-like, though I do not believe it to be this way.
A constant medium has always been something that has eluded me. I started out as a painter but with the addition of objects to the surface of my canvasses have slowly made the transition to working almost entirely in sculpture and installation. Within these categories, I have worked often in metal, and different found objects such as rope and cardboard. My preferred media is fabric and textiles, or anything that be used in a similar fashion. An example of work with textile-like material is an untitled performance where a dress that I had sewn of paper towel was worn and ultimately ruined. The model sat on the floor and applied makeup, then used the enormous gown to smear and clean the makeup off her face. This piece comes form the idea that what we wear dictates on some unconscious level how we act. If one wears a dress, they are often out to look their best. This dress was the mental and physical reason for the applying of so much makeup. In the end there was a role reversal between the model and the dress. Where in the beginning the model was plain and the dress pristine, at the end the model was made up and the dress torn and dirty.
In future works I would like to continue on my current path of abstracting various concepts about self and the body. I would like to expand my range of media further, possibly trying to work more with found or naturally occurring objects, and with light. I am trying to incorporate installation and space more into my work and would also like to explore the dress and clothing theme that has been appearing recently.
though if i could only get those damn portfolio pieces done. school is really killing me. i only have three classes but im working all the time so i cant seem to ever do anything. i hope artmakign isnt like this after i graduate or il never get anything done. that and i have the added pressure of living up to my gallery show last semester. i had a really good piece suck in the middle of really crappy work.
i hate completeing with myself. im hoping its all for the best
anyways, i gotta go work on my plaster molds.