Blog Homework!

Ok so initially, my brain immediately went to this one live set on youtube from a music festival in Sydney 18 years ago. If i'm ever feeling defeated, I'll always watch this 40 minute long video of blink 182 playing live at Big Day Out. It's good fun, highly recommend.
Less specifically, music in general always seems to give me a pick-me-up. I feel like this is probably how a lot of people feel when they listen to music but I've always found a very special, meaningful connection to music and lyrics.
Music has also brought me closer to a lot of important people in my life. Growing up in a rural area I didn't feel very in tune to many of the people around me, going to gigs was the only time I felt like I had found likeminded people.
For two years I worked in a live music venue in Melbourne and I couldn't get enough of the band room. Being able to see so many bands play live every week was such a blessing for me and I was exposed to a lot of local bands I wouldn't have heard otherwise.
One of my favourite things about camming is chatting to you guys about music! Let me know what your favourite local band is! I'm always looking for new bands to get obsessed with!