121 days
Is there anything better in life than laughter? love?
aren't we made and meant to be happy?
Choice of movies to pop in the DVD player...one will make me cry, one will make me laugh. No contest - make me laugh. Life is full of things to make me cry...why should my entertainment?
Friends. I have some great ones (thank God I've weaseled my way back into my old circle of friends). I have some that apparently have worn out their welcome. Maybe I'm too demanding of my friends, but in my mind, if I ALWAYS have to call you, if every interaction we have is because I have to call and call and call...
well then fuck it. You are not worth my effort anymore. Multiple times in my life I have shed my "friends" when they no longer put out the effort...it's about that time again. You were warned.
I really try not to talk about politics, religion..those sorta touchy subjects...but I must vent.
So Congress just voted itself a $3,100 pay raise. "Cost of Living". Yeah...nice. Fucking douschebags. Gotta take care of #1 first, right?
Add that to the face that one of the asshats came out with a statement this week saying that there's just no way they can control the cost of gas. Really?
You can control when and if we pray, you can control who we can marry, you can control what a woman does with a fetus, you can fucking control whether I go to a parenting class, but you cannot control the price of gas?
Howbout you remove your cock from the petrochemical industry's mouth for a little bit THEN say that again.
This is why I try to not watch the news, read the paper, etc. There are a bunch of fucking jackass jerkoffs making decisions for me. People who have never lived a regular life...who have never lived paycheck to paycheck...people who don't have to worry about retirement, daycare costs, or if there will be food in the fridge all month.
Sing it Mr Rotten!
"I wanna beeeeee anarchy!"
we now return to our regularly scheduled mindless drivel..

Is there anything better in life than laughter? love?
aren't we made and meant to be happy?
Choice of movies to pop in the DVD player...one will make me cry, one will make me laugh. No contest - make me laugh. Life is full of things to make me cry...why should my entertainment?
Friends. I have some great ones (thank God I've weaseled my way back into my old circle of friends). I have some that apparently have worn out their welcome. Maybe I'm too demanding of my friends, but in my mind, if I ALWAYS have to call you, if every interaction we have is because I have to call and call and call...
well then fuck it. You are not worth my effort anymore. Multiple times in my life I have shed my "friends" when they no longer put out the effort...it's about that time again. You were warned.
I really try not to talk about politics, religion..those sorta touchy subjects...but I must vent.
So Congress just voted itself a $3,100 pay raise. "Cost of Living". Yeah...nice. Fucking douschebags. Gotta take care of #1 first, right?
Add that to the face that one of the asshats came out with a statement this week saying that there's just no way they can control the cost of gas. Really?
You can control when and if we pray, you can control who we can marry, you can control what a woman does with a fetus, you can fucking control whether I go to a parenting class, but you cannot control the price of gas?
Howbout you remove your cock from the petrochemical industry's mouth for a little bit THEN say that again.
This is why I try to not watch the news, read the paper, etc. There are a bunch of fucking jackass jerkoffs making decisions for me. People who have never lived a regular life...who have never lived paycheck to paycheck...people who don't have to worry about retirement, daycare costs, or if there will be food in the fridge all month.
Sing it Mr Rotten!
"I wanna beeeeee anarchy!"
we now return to our regularly scheduled mindless drivel..
What movie are you gonna watch?
as far as congress voting for their own money/ass's. of course!