Houston, we have a Countdown!
124 days!
Hmm..sounds like a lot...but it won't be.
For my birthday/Halloween, a very special young lady is joining me for Voodoo Music Fest in lovely N'awlins. She has agreed to go and I am NOT letting her back out. No way little lady...you are ALL mine that weekend!
How awesome izzat?
Gotta go empty out Grace's room...getting her a big girl bed...and matching dresser and such.
song now playing: 4 Non Blondes "What's Up"
I like this song...many's a day I want to step outside, take a deep breath and yell at the top of my lungs "what's going on!!??"
The neighbors frown upon that.
I AM the king of random statements. At work last week, one girl actually asked me "do you HEAR yourself?"
Ah...first I get them to trust me..to think I'm "normal"
then I infect them with monkyness, odd comments, and general paranoa and histeria.
Chaos, Panic, Disorder...my job here is done.
124 days!
Hmm..sounds like a lot...but it won't be.
For my birthday/Halloween, a very special young lady is joining me for Voodoo Music Fest in lovely N'awlins. She has agreed to go and I am NOT letting her back out. No way little lady...you are ALL mine that weekend!
How awesome izzat?
Gotta go empty out Grace's room...getting her a big girl bed...and matching dresser and such.
song now playing: 4 Non Blondes "What's Up"
I like this song...many's a day I want to step outside, take a deep breath and yell at the top of my lungs "what's going on!!??"
The neighbors frown upon that.
I AM the king of random statements. At work last week, one girl actually asked me "do you HEAR yourself?"
Ah...first I get them to trust me..to think I'm "normal"
then I infect them with monkyness, odd comments, and general paranoa and histeria.
Chaos, Panic, Disorder...my job here is done.
Haha Yay! Go +1. Have fun in Houston!
Whoa....trying to stand on a basketball. I hope my son never tries stuff like that, I couldn't survive it.