I think speed limit signs are the roadside equivelant to "manufacturer's suggested retail price"
it's just a good starting point
I believe in high markup
uninteresting things about me:
I'm 6'
I carry entire conversations with other people out in my head, determine the result, then skip the actual conversation.
I used to have a super cute pet hedgehog
I'm a painfully shy guy with a bachelor's degree in communications - how's that for irony? I'm good at it, just don't like to do it
I wear a tie to work everyday
I have one room of my house dedicated to nothing but toys and other random silliness.
happiness is a cuddly spoon with a girl with good-smelling hair
I'm such a lightweight when it comes to alcohol
I used to be a professional videographer, but I hate being in front of any camera
oh, and I got flirted at today and it made my day.
thank you random stranger girl
it's just a good starting point
I believe in high markup

uninteresting things about me:
I'm 6'
I carry entire conversations with other people out in my head, determine the result, then skip the actual conversation.
I used to have a super cute pet hedgehog
I'm a painfully shy guy with a bachelor's degree in communications - how's that for irony? I'm good at it, just don't like to do it

I wear a tie to work everyday
I have one room of my house dedicated to nothing but toys and other random silliness.
happiness is a cuddly spoon with a girl with good-smelling hair
I'm such a lightweight when it comes to alcohol
I used to be a professional videographer, but I hate being in front of any camera
oh, and I got flirted at today and it made my day.
thank you random stranger girl
Hey, I only told.....1, 2, 3...other people. You went ahead and told many more 

i wish i had a room in my house..for funness. instead i have what's meant to be a dining room, i guess, as rowan's room.