Todays quote (because I know it's the highlight of your reading experience):
"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music"
-Idunno who-
"You're not going're going sane, in a crazy world"
-The Tick-
C'mon someone, score cool points and know who The Tick is, really...
So yeaterday, my boss, in one sitting, yelled and screamed at me, threatened to fire me, accused me of undermining her and trying to take her job, then told me she totally expects me to take her place someday.
(do I just WAY overpunctuate, or what?)
Nothing like people that fly off the handle.
Besides that, work is actually going fairly well.
My monkey website is up... it probably needs explaining, but too bad
all in good time.
It's just an MSN site, for now, but I'm not having to do any of the work, so cool.
Mr Peepers World Travels
Speaking of, if anyone's going on vacation and would like to take a stuffed monkey with them...
So I need some good music...some good angry, loud, burn the anger out kinda music. Something to work over a punching bag to...Things like "Break Stuff", "Black Betty", Early Metallica, Rob Zombie...
Sadly, I'm just not that familiar with too many me up to some new shit people!
here's your chance to make my life a better place, and if you've just been DYING to talk to me, but were too shy to break the ice, well what better opportunity
(I am, at this moment, laughing hysterically at myself).
But seriously, hook me up people
"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music"
-Idunno who-
"You're not going're going sane, in a crazy world"
-The Tick-
C'mon someone, score cool points and know who The Tick is, really...
So yeaterday, my boss, in one sitting, yelled and screamed at me, threatened to fire me, accused me of undermining her and trying to take her job, then told me she totally expects me to take her place someday.
(do I just WAY overpunctuate, or what?)
Nothing like people that fly off the handle.
Besides that, work is actually going fairly well.
My monkey website is up... it probably needs explaining, but too bad

It's just an MSN site, for now, but I'm not having to do any of the work, so cool.
Mr Peepers World Travels
Speaking of, if anyone's going on vacation and would like to take a stuffed monkey with them...
So I need some good music...some good angry, loud, burn the anger out kinda music. Something to work over a punching bag to...Things like "Break Stuff", "Black Betty", Early Metallica, Rob Zombie...
Sadly, I'm just not that familiar with too many me up to some new shit people!
here's your chance to make my life a better place, and if you've just been DYING to talk to me, but were too shy to break the ice, well what better opportunity
(I am, at this moment, laughing hysterically at myself).
But seriously, hook me up people
Slugs? Ew. I remember those all over the sliding glass door after it rained. So gross.
Rollie Pollies. I used to collect them in jars and bring them home.