"I act like shit don't faze me
inside it drives me crazy
my insecurities could eat me alive
but then I see my baby
suddenly I'm not crazy
it all makes sense when I look into her eyes"
Eminem (shaddup) "Haileys Song
I love my daughter. Anger and hate are just plain exhausting. I'll focus on the love, and just try to drown out the incessant buzz of the exes continued existance on my planet.
Question: when someone tells you you have great potential, is that a nice way of saying you aren't as good as they thought you'd be?
I've decided I want to have a boy, and I'm going to force feed him episodes of Family Guy every day, until he speaks just like Stewie....there's just something damn cool about a toddler saying "what the deuce"
oh, and I'll buy him a bowler too.
Thoughts are truly random today, a wee bit hungover still..not sure what I'll do with my evening, but I'll be damned if it'll be anything productive
A friend of mine is building a website dedicated to my world-travelling trunkmonkey, Mr Peepers - how cool is that?
inside it drives me crazy
my insecurities could eat me alive
but then I see my baby
suddenly I'm not crazy
it all makes sense when I look into her eyes"
Eminem (shaddup) "Haileys Song
I love my daughter. Anger and hate are just plain exhausting. I'll focus on the love, and just try to drown out the incessant buzz of the exes continued existance on my planet.

Question: when someone tells you you have great potential, is that a nice way of saying you aren't as good as they thought you'd be?

I've decided I want to have a boy, and I'm going to force feed him episodes of Family Guy every day, until he speaks just like Stewie....there's just something damn cool about a toddler saying "what the deuce"
oh, and I'll buy him a bowler too.
Thoughts are truly random today, a wee bit hungover still..not sure what I'll do with my evening, but I'll be damned if it'll be anything productive

A friend of mine is building a website dedicated to my world-travelling trunkmonkey, Mr Peepers - how cool is that?

Rubbing it in would be me telling you that right now Im eating In N Out right now. Cause I am. And when the hubby is here in July, my mom is getting us In N Out for my bday dinner.

Dominos shmominos. I can get that whenever I want.