Friday Jan 23, 2004 Jan 23, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email It's finally friday, and I need to get drunk. So I'm on my way to start drinkin! Have a great night everyone! ativan101: Be very careful not to get too drunk & pass out in the snow down there in might freeze to death in the snow & ice!!!! Have A Great Weekend Luv~ Jan 23, 2004 scarletbegonias: Thanks for the "Hey" Your journal entry just made me jealous....I would love a beer right now, but alas, the meds that the doc finally gave me don't mix with alcohol, so no drinking for me for 7 days... Jan 23, 2004
Have A Great Weekend Luv~
Your journal entry just made me jealous....I would love a beer right now, but alas, the meds that the doc finally gave me don't mix with alcohol, so no drinking for me for 7 days...