Man, is TV ever boring. It's just the same shows, over and over again - sometimes with different names, to be sure, but the same show nevertheless. It's so bad they've stopped even changing the names - how many CSI's can a person watch? Thank God for Deadwood.
I don't get it. Birth control fails. So one could be having perfectly responsibile (i.e. protected) sex and still get pregnant.
This is true. However, different forms of birth control fail enough to cause a lot of unplanned, accidental pregnancies.
Here are some stats,
"in most cases, "surprise" pregnancies are not about malfunctions. In fact, quite the opposite - things are functioning perfectly."
Okay, probably true, but I still don't get what you mean. Yes, sex can cause pregnancy, and people take precaustions to avoid that. Sometimes those precautions fail. What does that have to do with the responsibility of the people involved?