im got in the pdx on sat and i returned to find my roommate's new prince albert has turned his dick and balls dark blue and dark red alll over. he is terrifired of doctors and wont go to one. it looks like his dick is gonna fall off. he put some rubbing alcohol on it and it made a sound similer to a frying egg. today it is pussing. I told him he should really go to the doctor and he said no. Im this slose to calling an ambulence. I mean, looking at his junk is reticent of requiem for a dream...if u know what i mean.
p.s. no dogs for me. not that i hate dogs, but i'm not really a dog person. i grew up with cats and never a dog. i just love kitties! i'm going to be a crazy old lady who has a million cats. plus it would just be too depressing to have a dog where i live now, and i just don't have the time for a dog. cats are a lot easier to take care of. and i hate dog slobber.