I think this song is quite cool.
"sodnomy---you might think it very odd of me!
that i enjoy the act of sodomy.
you might call the wrath of god on me.
dont worry if u feel ashamed its been around for years
thousands before that cant be names are interested in reares.
dont worry about hell!
or harm to come to your soul.
were not all pentacostal, and everybody gots an asshole.
well let me telll u about sodomy (chorous: sodomy)
you might think it very odd of me! (chourous: odd of me)
that i enjoy the act of sodomy (chouros:sodomy)
"sodnomy---you might think it very odd of me!
that i enjoy the act of sodomy.
you might call the wrath of god on me.
dont worry if u feel ashamed its been around for years
thousands before that cant be names are interested in reares.
dont worry about hell!
or harm to come to your soul.
were not all pentacostal, and everybody gots an asshole.
well let me telll u about sodomy (chorous: sodomy)
you might think it very odd of me! (chourous: odd of me)
that i enjoy the act of sodomy (chouros:sodomy)