Hey hey hey hey, Im leave for home in 2 days. Well i got another one for you. On friday i went out to a bar and got very drunk. I ended up passing out in the street. When i woke up i had an itch in my ear. When i went to scrath it. My ear moves. It turns out a centipede hd crawled along the back of my ear and was eating my ear wax. I was very creeped out. ( odd how i have a big fear of centipedes) I run to the nearest drugstore to buy q tips and stuff that would clean my ear. I notice how cold my feet are in the store. Then i realize that some asshole stole my shoes. Im not laughing this off like the thing with the mimes. I am really really pissed. I loved those shoes. they were steel toe doc martin boots with the steel on the outsife and green string insted of yellow. I coulndt fine them in america. i had to get them in london. I REALLY REALLY LOVED THOSE SHOES. Goddamit. shit shit shit shit shit. I hope the asshole that stole them gets a intertgalactic footfungus that rots his feet off. What the fuck dude. I really loved those shoes. Well i met a prostitute with a degree in buisness while i was here. Isnt that weird. FUCK IT! I WANT MY SHOES BACK. i hate this country.
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there i go again. -
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