WHOA. how many of you can say that you have had a fight with a mime.......well there you go. I have. In amsterdam they arnt like the ones in america. If you make a wise crack to them they dont just continue their performance, they belt you in the mouth. Jeez people here are violent. I wish i had a camera. Me and a mine dukeing it out. Well first it started with me takeing a blow to the mouth. then me hitting him in the nose. then he jumped on me screaming like a girl. THE MOTHER FUCKER BIT ME!!! we wrestlted on the ground and i got into a top guard stance and got a few licks in. Here is were i give you an importent bit of knowlage: MIMES TRAVEL IN GANGS. I got my ass kicked by a gang of mimes. 5 or 6 guys in harliquin paint pounding me mercilessly. I got out of it with just a bloody nose. I would be pissed but who can say they got beatin up by a gang of mimes. It was an experience. and the dutch hit like little girls in pink dresses. I was almost laughing while it was going on. That story is almost to odd to be true. But i have had some good experieces. I got to see other parts of amsterdam that isnt ass saterated. I forgive Alice for those terrble waffles. She probly likes mayonase too. ewwwwww. The women here are super aggresive. for a minute i almost thought i was gonna get rapt. I saw a really beutiful sight the other day. In a part of this town they had these rose beds in each of the windows. And the wind blew and it started raining rose pettles. it was beautful. Oh and Chole, i got all the toxic avenger toys over here. But im not as big a fan of them as you must be. so if you want them. you can have them. seriously. well im out the door. i got the hankerin for some dope.
"get out of this box, you silent motherfucker!!"