I just had a literally 3 hour panic attack while tryin to find my lost wallet. Have you ever had a moment where you just werent sure what you were doing when you lost sumthin. I just had one of those. I knew i had it with me when i came home but for some reason i could not remember where i put it. Then thoughts started to creep in my head. thoughts like "maybe you droped it at the gas station. Maybe someone picked it out of your pocket!"
so i freaked out and tore my house apart looking for it. All the while visualizing the basterd that found or lifted my wallet haveing a great time at his Bletch funded shoping spree. I looked everywhere, under chairs, every crevis of my car, under sinks, under the mattress. Even places i knew to be a physical impossiblity for my wallet to be. My house looked liked it was raided by the KGB for evidence. Well, i decided to cancel my cards for safety. As i am talking to the credit card lady she asks me if i knew my number. I tell her im not sure, let me check. I reach into my back pocket and pull out my mother fucking wallet.
Your neiborhood basterd

Your neiborhood basterd

why yes it is
im a photo major... i take pictures