Well the awkwardness is over. kina. I went to a party with a friend and saw a girl i kinda had sumthin for there with a kid who would be best defined as my worst enemy. She was toting this guy around infront of me just to fuckin spite me. If thats not enough i was at my platonic girlfriends house when her grandparents were over there and my other blond haired platonic girlfried introduced herself and the granddad was said "You are a very beautiful girl! You have very Aryan features, The SS would have loved you!" The rest of dinner was kinda weird. My friend could not stop appolgizing. I shared a bowl with a guy outside of the party and he then later on that night at like 3:00am he calls tryin to tell me how he would go to jail for me and stuff, and i dont even know the guys name. It was just an awkward night.
Hee hee hee.