I am in tokyo. It is so much fun here. You have no idea how small these people are. Forget buying shoes here. even the men wear shoes you would find in the baby gap. But the tecnology they have here. its like im in the 5th element. They only thing is the werid looks i get from these people. But then again they dont see many foriners around here. yesterday a japanese girl with dredlocks came up to me and asked me if i was in the wu tang clan. "ohhhhh you wuuuuu tannnngggg, keep in the hood! keep in the hood!" she was very cute, so i told her i was method man and took my picture with her and gave her an autograph. " ohhhhhh arigato! thank you!." The only thing i dont like is the hotels. They are so small. Oh and the yakuza just stand around in the open kicking peoples ass like they own the place. Cops dont do anything. I find that strange.
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there i go again. -
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