i love tokyo
i love tokyo
dungeons & dragons....worst movie ever.
I do take things into context Al. But none of you people have a legitmit postcard with a picture of their great granduncle being lynched while abunch of sothern bells point and laugh and an inscrption saying "welcome to geogia" at the bottom. So if i offended you for critzing american history and how its foundation laid the groundwork for freedom, fine. And i took...
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we all need to take a deep breath
*insert groovy applause here* Good for you Madguy. A deffinite step in the right direction

I know that many of you see me as overly negative. But in respect to the argument with AL. I feel very strongly about my views toward america
dont you hate it when you're walkin around and you see some loser walking around in a trench coat. And i dont mean those bussness men guys but those guys that think they are in the matrix. I mean, its the middle of fucking summer you loser. And you dont look like neo, you just look like an ass. If you really think looking like...
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Mad check my journal. I explained what a sharp is (somewhat). Hope it's enough to give some light to that seedy side of things.
ok the reason i shat on this kid
Well it all started back in highschool. I was at this party.It was just your normal, everybody get drunk and stoned party. Well, this little cocksucker shows up at this party with a entarage of dickheads, All of them in " Im so mad that i look cool and chicks will want to fuck me because i...
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Well it all started back in highschool. I was at this party.It was just your normal, everybody get drunk and stoned party. Well, this little cocksucker shows up at this party with a entarage of dickheads, All of them in " Im so mad that i look cool and chicks will want to fuck me because i...
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Nic told me to ask you about the Dirty Benny.So what's all the mytery about it?
why dose everybody thats a member of this site like skinheads. you guys are all psychos. I make it a point to shit kick every skinhead i meet. and not because im a punk or what ever. but becasue i hate them, like any upstanding HUMAN BEING SHOULD. what is up with it. I know that alot of you guys are going thru an identy...
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portland is actually not overflowing with skinheads.i'm really not sure why that guy randomly posted that on my board, it really threw me off! but, portland is a really mellow laid back city for the most part, i love it here!
ok i was wrong to say that girls cant drive. it was prejudice, think you siren. well guess what happend to me today. i was minding my own buisness driving to the mall. and i see some sick vicious little fuck holding a picture of a mutilated baby talking about anitabortion. I fucking hate you antiabortion basterds, especially the male kind. Listen up dudes, we...
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I read the post you left on my journal entry. I hope you have a better day you steaming mad Madguy. Not that your name has anything to do with whether or not you're angry all of the time
I think I know what I'm talking about too. Here's an extra hit of grooviness for you. Feel the love man, feel the love. MaryJane

I have reached the conclusion that all women cant drive to save their lives. Its true, every single one of them. 1 out of 6 times i flick someone off for driving like they are retarted..its a chick. If i see another girl put makeup on while driving i will follow her and then put suger in her gas tank. And on the scale of...
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STEAMING mad? Oh now thats mad, but let me tell you I can out drive over drive and better drive nearly any man into the ground, being from a family of car collectors and race car drivers. Cars are my passion, the make up and the mirrors can wait.
Have a sunny day! :o)
Have a sunny day! :o)
ok i take it back. its mostly just old people and shallow adoleint girls.
Did u know that cops spelled backwars mean asshole? Think about it. Oh yeah and one more thing. Any girl that drives a white mercedes is a bitch. I hate women right now. Excpt the ones im not attracted to. They are all right.
what does that mean for the girls on the site? *looks confused*
Oh them, they are all right. Except alice. theres just sumthin about her that rubs me the wroung way.