Got to have an amazingly great time with two of my friends and a ton of cake decorations. I'm convinced she needs to be a Hopeful but she could use some encouragement. We started off with some frosting handprints, then some lickable lips and nips underneath the skull & crossbones, two different sprinkle bikini tops and then a frosting skirt! What do y'all think?


I need to get out and photograph something but people keep canceling because of a little bit of snow! I'm still not used to this whole thing where the state shuts down for flurries and I'm going a little stir crazy....


Man, the sunday night - wednesday stretch kills me. Between working overnights & classes all day, sleep is at a premium. It's nice having all day fri/sat/sun free to go out & take photos, have a life and all that. Looks like this friday is going to be spent on a pottery wheel for hours on end though, project coming due.

POTTERY!? You're taking a ceramics class? Did I know this? That's friggin sweet! I can't wait until I get to take the ceramics course they offer here! :D
Yup, I am.  Hate that damn wheel.

Among things I didn't think I'd have to learn to be a photographer: how to use a sewing machine. But here I am this morning taking yards of cloth & sewing the ends together to make ribbons for a backdrop & prop. Next up: wood shop.

Always a learning experience! Sewing is a good thing to know anyway though. đŸ˜› I have a Singer machine myself!
Haha, I say sewing but really I made one straight seam and tied off the ends.  About as basic as you can get, but it worked for what I needed!

So, I haven't really used this because I have no idea what to write here and I'm horrible with keeping up with blogs and such. Seriously, check out my blog on my photography site. That's my business, my baby, and I hardly remember to update it. But I will endeavor to try. So what does the world want to hear from a student, veteran, texas...
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