Lavender_ made my Sunday with a booty shake I will never forget!

You're welcome.
I swear to god your site has an annoying bug!

Page not found when it can't locate one god damn file!

Can't you just delete the link you Fucktard?

Fuck I am thinking I should hack and fix it for you, you lazy cunt!

With the God complex you have I don't know why your head is stapled to your ASS!!!

I was thinking about joining the SGAustralia group but quickly realize how stereotypical it was. Their is more to being an Australian then the backwards representation that group has kindly painted for us. I am honestly surprised the group logo wasn't a guy in shorts and thongs surrounded by beer cans.

The thing that makes it much worse is the number one rule "No Pooftas!"...
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The one thing I truly love about Suicide Girls is their not afraid to stand out and say "every girl is beautiful." Body shape, tattoos, piercings and body modification you are all so beautiful and yet so unique. That's what Suicide Girls is. As long as you feel beautiful that is all that matters.

We have painted the idea of the perfect woman. A woman...
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I am feeling a little uninspired and it is now effecting the beauty of my work. If I don't find inspiration soon I will most likely go... well I need something to inspire to distracted me from life.

Right now everything is so boring, so plain, so unimaginative I wonder if I can stop myself from bashing the creativity out of my head with a...
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"You cannot delete a blog entry."

What did I just read that right? 2012 and you can't add one sql query to drop a blog post! Come on Suicide Girls get with the program and give the users a delete blog entry option!
"Beauty can be describe in a million words. But love can only be describe with just one."
