I miss my Sasha bear. My sis took her camping with some friends for the weekend. I am glad they are all having fun but, it feels odd not having Sasha to take out and play around with.
(notice her pink nails? My sis did that.
She is 6 months old now and weighs 31 pounds. She still has about 20 lbs more to go!
Hell, why not through a pic of me from a couple nights ago.
Oh yea!
A few' sasha pup pics.
morgan is an awesome woman. She is smart and very understanding. Go let her know how much we all appreciate her contribution to the SG community.
Special mention also goes to
Snowballinhell and Subrosa
I have never been so proud to be a member of this site!
I miss my Sasha bear. My sis took her camping with some friends for the weekend. I am glad they are all having fun but, it feels odd not having Sasha to take out and play around with.
(notice her pink nails? My sis did that.
She is 6 months old now and weighs 31 pounds. She still has about 20 lbs more to go!
Hell, why not through a pic of me from a couple nights ago.
Oh yea!
A few' sasha pup pics.
morgan is an awesome woman. She is smart and very understanding. Go let her know how much we all appreciate her contribution to the SG community.
Special mention also goes to
Snowballinhell and Subrosa
I have never been so proud to be a member of this site!
My subscription ran out, and I didn't really have the money to spare to renew. The good thing is, as happened last time I dissapeared, I got sent the special returning customer offer and only paid $29 for the year! Sweet!
Les Savy Fav, I know the name, definately heard them praised a lot... not sure if I've ever heard them. I will download a few samples tonight!
Hmm, I shall reccomend you a movie. NOT because it's good. It's not. It's quite bad. But, at the same time, it's so absurd it's brilliant! Skinned Deep, features Warwick Davis (Willow, The Leprechaun) as a mad plate-obsessed mad person, a biker gang whos average age is 80, and one of the coolest looking psychos I've seen in a while.