I had a good if not sun-burned to hell kinda day yesterday. Went to Great America with elora, LadyK, Apexxx, sunburntkamel, MetalEric, Spiked, Ophelia, Olsen, Esme, slumberjacker and amungst them my little brother. It was a jaw-some good time though hurrican harbor was slightly disappointing. But I now own a pair of swimtrunks, something I haven't owned in like over a decade...hahaha. I most enjoyed the company that day as everyone was most entertaining to hang out with.
Friday is my birthday (huzzah to getting older), and I have a big gathering in the works (well one that has been in the works for like a month now). I'll be at Neo with my crew in a most drunken celebration. Sadly, it's the same day as a meet-and-great so I won't be making that. Though through anothers conjouling I may make an appearance before I head off to my thing that night. Of course anyone else is welcome to go to Neo as well to wish me b-day happiness and such not and engage in the revelry as well. I'll be easily recognizable in my kilt.
Blech...to going back to work. At least it's only four days. Hopefully they will go by fast so I don't have to deal with the nonsense.
Friday is my birthday (huzzah to getting older), and I have a big gathering in the works (well one that has been in the works for like a month now). I'll be at Neo with my crew in a most drunken celebration. Sadly, it's the same day as a meet-and-great so I won't be making that. Though through anothers conjouling I may make an appearance before I head off to my thing that night. Of course anyone else is welcome to go to Neo as well to wish me b-day happiness and such not and engage in the revelry as well. I'll be easily recognizable in my kilt.

Blech...to going back to work. At least it's only four days. Hopefully they will go by fast so I don't have to deal with the nonsense.

It looks like I missed yours, so happy belated.