So these past few weeks have been unusual to say the least. Finished my last semester of school (but am far from finishing school...always the student, never the master). So sometime this week I have to actually drag my lame ass out of bed and go register for new classes...
I suppose I should get it done eventually otherwise I'll work at UPS for the rest of my days.
And speaking of UPS, I got a promotion. Woot-woot. Not anymore money but it's a lateral promotion to another area of the building I work. Hmm...how to describe this one so that you non-UPS'ers can understand. Let's try it like this: I started there in summer of 98 in the outbounds (loading trailers) then became management about 8 months later. After toiling away in the outbounds for nearly 6 years (mostly because I mouthed off to the wrong people-i.e. district managers and such) I was finally promoted to the primary (unloading trailers), yay!!! I was most happy to go there. Less hours, same pay...it was a good deal. There's some other stuff there that happened from me being on the primary but all those re-re details are in past journal entries if your masochistic enough to go read them.
Anyway, a couple weeks ago my boss tells me I'm being promoted to the DA (data acqusition-a place where packages go when they can't be delivered the frist time to the right destination in laymens terms), and I was a bit reluctent at first because I'm acutely paranoid of things that go in my favor. Well last week was my first stint up there. Oh man was it sweet. I stand around watching other people doing nothing all night long and work even less hours then I did before. Woot-woot!!! That's all about my job I will speak of for now since I'm sure I bored the hell out of all of you.
Went to my first SG gathering saturday. It was a CD exchange party and I must say I had a good time. I know difficult to believe, sad ole me having a good time but I did. Meet some really cool people whom I actually hope to hang out with in the future. Though a few of them were aren't you the one with the scary picture-refering to my "gothed" up image-which I thought was funny because my "goth" friends get confused when they see me without my eyeliner and such-not on so and say similar things so it was most amusing.
Hopefully, everyone will enjoy my mix as I am sure I will enjoy theirs.
I have a four day work week coming up so now I need to plot what I should do this upcoming friday since I have it off (normally I don't cause I work). Any suggestions?
Hope everyone's weekend was good and I will catch you on the flipside (god that sounded lame-
James (aka Gree)
So these past few weeks have been unusual to say the least. Finished my last semester of school (but am far from finishing school...always the student, never the master). So sometime this week I have to actually drag my lame ass out of bed and go register for new classes...

And speaking of UPS, I got a promotion. Woot-woot. Not anymore money but it's a lateral promotion to another area of the building I work. Hmm...how to describe this one so that you non-UPS'ers can understand. Let's try it like this: I started there in summer of 98 in the outbounds (loading trailers) then became management about 8 months later. After toiling away in the outbounds for nearly 6 years (mostly because I mouthed off to the wrong people-i.e. district managers and such) I was finally promoted to the primary (unloading trailers), yay!!! I was most happy to go there. Less hours, same pay...it was a good deal. There's some other stuff there that happened from me being on the primary but all those re-re details are in past journal entries if your masochistic enough to go read them.

Went to my first SG gathering saturday. It was a CD exchange party and I must say I had a good time. I know difficult to believe, sad ole me having a good time but I did. Meet some really cool people whom I actually hope to hang out with in the future. Though a few of them were aren't you the one with the scary picture-refering to my "gothed" up image-which I thought was funny because my "goth" friends get confused when they see me without my eyeliner and such-not on so and say similar things so it was most amusing.

I have a four day work week coming up so now I need to plot what I should do this upcoming friday since I have it off (normally I don't cause I work). Any suggestions?
Hope everyone's weekend was good and I will catch you on the flipside (god that sounded lame-

James (aka Gree)
meeting new people is nice. glad it went well. i get nervous about that kind of stuff.