So I like to break computers I own apparently? At least according to one of my friends I do that is. At this moment I am on the girlfriend's computer doing my computer stuffs that seems so popular these days. What I did to my computer this time I do not know and even when my friend came by he couldn't figure it out. Oh well.
On another note I am glad everyone enjoyed the Irish-
Day Bunnies.
Another one of my friends just recently bolstered our communities ranks. He goes by the moniker of PragueSlasher. Drop by and say g'day to him.
I still really don't like the book Catcher In the Rye and I never will. I hate the idea of book burnings but by all means burn this book.
I stopped taking my anticonvulsants because they seemed like they weren't doing anything.
I need a nap.
>>>end transmission.

On another note I am glad everyone enjoyed the Irish-
Day Bunnies.

Another one of my friends just recently bolstered our communities ranks. He goes by the moniker of PragueSlasher. Drop by and say g'day to him.
I still really don't like the book Catcher In the Rye and I never will. I hate the idea of book burnings but by all means burn this book.

I stopped taking my anticonvulsants because they seemed like they weren't doing anything.
I need a nap.
>>>end transmission.
And if its anything, I still haven't seen Pulp Fiction or Napoleon Dynomite yet. I've heard too many kids quoting N.D. that I have no desire to watch it. Fuck that shit.
Hope the computer works out for you...