I haven't been on the site much lately...oh wait try not at all. I've been crazy-busy with trying not to get fired from my job, or institutionalized, or kicked out of school. Good times I assure you. Oddly enough the girlfriend has stuck it with me throughout all of this madness. So what exaclty is going on with the above things you may ask yourself to possibly bring about this? Well I'll try my darndest to recollect said events.
Work: well everyone loves their job but none more then me (if you couldn't tell I was being sarcastic). My job has been horribly stressful the last few weeks. Now you would think that since I work at UPS that it would've been stressful during say Christmas, but no it is now that it is really getting on my nerves. I can't pinpoint exactly what it is causing all of this but all I know is that I have zero patience for just about everything. Last friday was a gem though with the revelation of a really shitty raise (that is my reward for working so hard) and the fact I completely flipped out on my employees and manager and actually had to take ten minutes or so away from my area to cool down and get back into a more stable state of mind. Luckily I have vacation from thiat wretched place this week otherwise I'd probably not have a job.
School: I missed a week of school a month back from my recurring migraine problems and that wasn't the issue. What is the issue is the fact I missed school last week because I just was too depressed to go. It didn't seem to matter in my mind so I just didn't go. It is fortunate that I have understanding teachers but it is stuff like this that can cause me to fail classes, which I do not need. At least this week I can have the chance to catch up on schoolwork and the like since I don't have school.
On to other business. I am moving at the end of April, details forthcoming. I will actually be able to go out drinking for Irish day this year...yay!!! Oh, and not to backtrack but I know when I move out of my old place that I will be lucky to see any of my security deposit back since my little rabbit Red Hare has decided to chew up the carpet in multiple places. What a good bunny she is.
Well I have taken up much of everyones time so till next time, ciao.
Work: well everyone loves their job but none more then me (if you couldn't tell I was being sarcastic). My job has been horribly stressful the last few weeks. Now you would think that since I work at UPS that it would've been stressful during say Christmas, but no it is now that it is really getting on my nerves. I can't pinpoint exactly what it is causing all of this but all I know is that I have zero patience for just about everything. Last friday was a gem though with the revelation of a really shitty raise (that is my reward for working so hard) and the fact I completely flipped out on my employees and manager and actually had to take ten minutes or so away from my area to cool down and get back into a more stable state of mind. Luckily I have vacation from thiat wretched place this week otherwise I'd probably not have a job.
School: I missed a week of school a month back from my recurring migraine problems and that wasn't the issue. What is the issue is the fact I missed school last week because I just was too depressed to go. It didn't seem to matter in my mind so I just didn't go. It is fortunate that I have understanding teachers but it is stuff like this that can cause me to fail classes, which I do not need. At least this week I can have the chance to catch up on schoolwork and the like since I don't have school.
On to other business. I am moving at the end of April, details forthcoming. I will actually be able to go out drinking for Irish day this year...yay!!! Oh, and not to backtrack but I know when I move out of my old place that I will be lucky to see any of my security deposit back since my little rabbit Red Hare has decided to chew up the carpet in multiple places. What a good bunny she is.

Well I have taken up much of everyones time so till next time, ciao.



Thanks for the happy birthday.