I'm mister last minute. I'm mister procrastination.
My last final is today around 10am I think. Luckily for me it's one that is from the above time till about noon. The bad thing is that it's a 10-page paper due between those time slots and I have yet to start it. Leave it to me to leave things till zero hour.
Hopefully a paper on U.S. History from the gilded age till about the end of Presdient Theodore Rosevelts' reign will be easier then I think it will be. I guess we'll see huh?
Have fun kiddies.
My last final is today around 10am I think. Luckily for me it's one that is from the above time till about noon. The bad thing is that it's a 10-page paper due between those time slots and I have yet to start it. Leave it to me to leave things till zero hour.
Hopefully a paper on U.S. History from the gilded age till about the end of Presdient Theodore Rosevelts' reign will be easier then I think it will be. I guess we'll see huh?
Have fun kiddies.