hello, I went to hot topic to get black lipstic - where can I get good black lipstic, that doesnt feel like vasaline on my lips?
they had these cool demonia boots there though for 55$ ! so thats really good.
what else... I kind of have an alarming capacity for liquor these days, I should probably slow it down a bit at some point - basically Im really glad to have thursdays off of work so I can hang out at the gothic club -
there was something else I think, I dont know, you can see my shoulder scars pretty well in these pics -
I wish I was actually pale, like I look in this picture - really, Im pretty tan which sucks... I like all colors of skin, Im just not big on suntans, I dont like looking orange like a simpsons character -
its blury, but you get the idea -
they had these cool demonia boots there though for 55$ ! so thats really good.
what else... I kind of have an alarming capacity for liquor these days, I should probably slow it down a bit at some point - basically Im really glad to have thursdays off of work so I can hang out at the gothic club -
there was something else I think, I dont know, you can see my shoulder scars pretty well in these pics -
I wish I was actually pale, like I look in this picture - really, Im pretty tan which sucks... I like all colors of skin, Im just not big on suntans, I dont like looking orange like a simpsons character -
its blury, but you get the idea -
those are the same bootsa I have.
8 D
I left and I come back and like 90-95% of my friendlist was still there.
I suppose I do the same thing I leave em there in hopes they come back. heh