that was funny, I just looked at the pictures I had posted on here for the first time in a year probably and had kind of forgotten about all the naked pictures.....I think the way the site was set up when I posted them you had to dig a little more to get to peoples pictures, but now theyre all inyour face - ahem... Things are a little crazy with work at the warehouse, too much stress. I never got a call from the us census bureau, which was a little bit of a blow to my ego Ill admit, but then, I dont want to take on a business professional look anyway, so I guess it doesnt really matter. I have an opportunity to work on a cnc (computer numerically controlled - "robotic") mill with my father, and maybe take on a lead role in a machining company if it works out, so thats what Im setting my sites on career wise at the moment. Yes, hes basically saving my ass, but to be fair to myself, it will be a big challenge for me to make a success of it. Its a cool field because its enjoyable and lets you work with computers and machines, and appearance really doesnt matter, so piercings and dreadlocks and stuff arent a problem. Other than that my girlfriend is pushing 7 months pregnant now, so we have a son about to be born -Dorian is his name - and thats really exciting. You see babies all the time, but its really a trip to feel your own little person kicking around inside your girlfriends stomach (no jokes questioning the paternity please) so, I havent gone out to a goth club in many months now, and I guess I probably wont any time soon. I also havent drank alcohol in 5 or 6 months, and thats been an interesting experiment - it sure saves a lot of money, and I drank soo much over the previous two years, its really good to be sober for a while - so things are going pretty well- I know, Im one of the least social people on the site and my updates are boring... but there you go 

& I don't think your update was boring at all.