well hello, so, big changes in my life in the past 5 months or so, for the better Id say. I met this girl, and shes super hot and cool and we hit it off, so, as things often go I guess, I started spending my nights off with her instead of going out. In the back of my mind, I think I wanted to get her pregnant, and the back of my mind got its wish and shes about 4 1/2 months in state now. we moved in together, and I quit drinking totally since she cant drink, and 4 months of sobriety has been really really good for me. Im sure my family are shaking their heads thinking "great Ben, this is going to be good...." But there's always the possibility things will work out right
, we are both 30 years old (i.e. mature, right?), and there's no major issue with the relationship like drug addiction or terminal disease to bode ill. and she is really hot, and she has a lot of current 93 and death in june records, and really dark eyes
Ive also started taking metal machining classes and those are really fun, but working a full time night job and taking classes is a little challenging. And Ive started applying for jobs with my stats degree. Ill probably have an interview with the US Census bureau coming up in the next month, which is a pretty good job for a bachelors level statistician, and Im trying to decide if I should sacrifice my dreadlocks to try to get the job. I dont want to, and I know I probably wont, but its a cool job in DC and would actually be the begining of the career I went to college to start, and the end of a pretty tough warehouse job, and with a kid on the way and all, its tempting, but not that tempting. Ill take out my lip rings and dye my hair black instead of blue for the interview, but thats about it. the recruiter lady said theyre acutally pretty relaxed there considering its washington. the metal machining classes are my back up plan, so that at least I can get a day job cutting metal if all else fails. So, thats that. yes, Im a stud, Ive fathered a child, or at least a fetus at this point. the first of three I think. Am I crazy for wanting kids? do they suck once you actually have them? ha ha, Im just kidding. So things are getting going, I knew I wasnt meant to linger forever as an inebriated warehouse worker

Ive also started taking metal machining classes and those are really fun, but working a full time night job and taking classes is a little challenging. And Ive started applying for jobs with my stats degree. Ill probably have an interview with the US Census bureau coming up in the next month, which is a pretty good job for a bachelors level statistician, and Im trying to decide if I should sacrifice my dreadlocks to try to get the job. I dont want to, and I know I probably wont, but its a cool job in DC and would actually be the begining of the career I went to college to start, and the end of a pretty tough warehouse job, and with a kid on the way and all, its tempting, but not that tempting. Ill take out my lip rings and dye my hair black instead of blue for the interview, but thats about it. the recruiter lady said theyre acutally pretty relaxed there considering its washington. the metal machining classes are my back up plan, so that at least I can get a day job cutting metal if all else fails. So, thats that. yes, Im a stud, Ive fathered a child, or at least a fetus at this point. the first of three I think. Am I crazy for wanting kids? do they suck once you actually have them? ha ha, Im just kidding. So things are getting going, I knew I wasnt meant to linger forever as an inebriated warehouse worker

I hope everything is working well for you!
Take care