well, Ive been up to getting lots of hours at work still, and lots of hours sleeping - the work hours have kind of calmed down to about 50 a week, but then Ive had this insomnia problem start up where I spend 3 hours trying to fall asleep every day, where Im too tired to get up and do anything, but cant get to sleep (and dont want to take sleep meds) so I end up in bed for 10 hours or so. I suppose thats ok though. Ive decided that Im going to stick out my position at work for the next 5 months or whatever rather than starting metal fab. classes this semester. That will give me time to see about the possability of moving up to a supervisor position, and time to save up money in case it looks like the supervisor position isnt likely, and I do end up dropping back and doing school.
maybe Ill update more later with something thats not so dull.... ha -
its been about 2 months I think since I cut back on drinking, and its really helped - I feel a lot better mentally - I dont know how I got into killing a handle of vodka every week and a half....that was kind of a lot.
Im still looking for things to do on my nights off other than go to bars or go to our gothic club on thursdays, but I get so restless its hard to stay at home, and then I dont really have friends that I hang out with outside of the club, and no girlfriend, so, I dont know ,I try to hang out with chics now and again - dates I guess theyre called -
Im making such a hash of my professional life - I go to school for 6 years to get a degree, at considerable expense to my parents and myself, and then one year into a masters program I just get too restless to finish it and decide that no ones going to hire me for a data analysis job anyway with lip piercings and a dreadlock mowhawk and so drop out and go to work in a warehouse, where I may end up staying for a few years, or alternatively, where I may leave in order to go to trade school for a year and a half, thinking that thats a field thats more open to alternative appearances, and see where that road takes me. oh well, it will work itself out over the next 5 years or so huh
maybe Ill update more later with something thats not so dull.... ha -
its been about 2 months I think since I cut back on drinking, and its really helped - I feel a lot better mentally - I dont know how I got into killing a handle of vodka every week and a half....that was kind of a lot.
Im still looking for things to do on my nights off other than go to bars or go to our gothic club on thursdays, but I get so restless its hard to stay at home, and then I dont really have friends that I hang out with outside of the club, and no girlfriend, so, I dont know ,I try to hang out with chics now and again - dates I guess theyre called -
Im making such a hash of my professional life - I go to school for 6 years to get a degree, at considerable expense to my parents and myself, and then one year into a masters program I just get too restless to finish it and decide that no ones going to hire me for a data analysis job anyway with lip piercings and a dreadlock mowhawk and so drop out and go to work in a warehouse, where I may end up staying for a few years, or alternatively, where I may leave in order to go to trade school for a year and a half, thinking that thats a field thats more open to alternative appearances, and see where that road takes me. oh well, it will work itself out over the next 5 years or so huh

happy birthday man, i hope the day is splendid full of drunken tomfoolery and the like