Ive been kind of depressed lately - on my nights off, I typically try to get a few chores done, and then go bar hoping, starting in nob hill and ending up down town. It usually seems like a good idea at first, but by the end of the night I just feel lonely usually... I saw the black heart procession the other night. they were ok, honestly I think their name is cooler than their music - its not quite as dark as the name seems to suggest I think. theyre no angles of light for sure - I was also kind of buzzing with depressive anxiety during the show, so that may have affected my openess to enjoying them.
I actually get a weeks vacation with the job I work - Ive never had a job that gives paid vacation before, and maybe its not something to brag about at 29 years old, but its pretty cool - Im taking it in the winter. Ill save up some money before then and then go visit somewhere or spend it on a tattoo and lounge around for a week or something -
Ive really thought recently that I would for sure resign my pre-managment post at work and go to trade school for metal fabrication for this fall semester, but now I dont know. my job (warehouse, food distribution) pays kind of well- relative to previous jobs Ive had - and sometimes its kind of fun. Its full of characters for sure - you can imagine the kind of people that work as truck loaders on the night shift..... people like me in fact
fuckin freaks... I got stood up wednesday night. if I ever see her Ill kill her. not really, but Ill glare at her and cut her dead - ha ha - at least it motivated me to clean my house -
I think the worst of the overtime at work is past - working so much was really draining...
I actually get a weeks vacation with the job I work - Ive never had a job that gives paid vacation before, and maybe its not something to brag about at 29 years old, but its pretty cool - Im taking it in the winter. Ill save up some money before then and then go visit somewhere or spend it on a tattoo and lounge around for a week or something -
Ive really thought recently that I would for sure resign my pre-managment post at work and go to trade school for metal fabrication for this fall semester, but now I dont know. my job (warehouse, food distribution) pays kind of well- relative to previous jobs Ive had - and sometimes its kind of fun. Its full of characters for sure - you can imagine the kind of people that work as truck loaders on the night shift..... people like me in fact

I think the worst of the overtime at work is past - working so much was really draining...
I hope you are feeling better soon.

As much as I hate the depressive parts of my bipolarism they are usually my most creative.