hmmm, so Ive been reading the sandman series. Theyre quite good - it rocks that the endless (the only gods that never die? of whom the sandman is one) are all more or less gothic. There are some really cool plates, like this one of death in the 4th book
and theres a great one of the Sandman in the 2nd book I think, that Id like to get a picture of.
so my goth club isnt closing, its just switching to new djs and doing retro new wave/darkwave stuff, so really, it could be pretty cool - so thats good -
Ive been thinking about the possibility of moving to seatle eventually - rain 9 months out of the year, one of the highest suicide rates in the country, gothic clubs 5 nights a week - maybe Ill go visit sometime this year -
by the way, I was looking at Voltaire's book "what is goth?" (that I think is available at hot topic) two weeks ago, and he traces the history of the term "gothic", and the connection between the people of 1300 years ago who sacked Rome, the French catherdral architecture of the 13th century, the 19th century literary genre, the 20th century film genre, and the late 20th century to current musical/cultural grouping really well. That was kind of a goal of mine for the 6 years I was in school, and I was really impressed by how clearly he put it in a few pages - Im not saying its a complete and final definition of the term, but its interesting. there are really funny illustrations of dances in the book too-
and - I got cake makeup yesterday - its eyeliner that you put on with brushes and water - its really cool - I can do things like this
tell me thats not cool. ok, dont tell me, just think it, I dont need the discouragement
- woops, forgot the mascara -

and theres a great one of the Sandman in the 2nd book I think, that Id like to get a picture of.
so my goth club isnt closing, its just switching to new djs and doing retro new wave/darkwave stuff, so really, it could be pretty cool - so thats good -
Ive been thinking about the possibility of moving to seatle eventually - rain 9 months out of the year, one of the highest suicide rates in the country, gothic clubs 5 nights a week - maybe Ill go visit sometime this year -
by the way, I was looking at Voltaire's book "what is goth?" (that I think is available at hot topic) two weeks ago, and he traces the history of the term "gothic", and the connection between the people of 1300 years ago who sacked Rome, the French catherdral architecture of the 13th century, the 19th century literary genre, the 20th century film genre, and the late 20th century to current musical/cultural grouping really well. That was kind of a goal of mine for the 6 years I was in school, and I was really impressed by how clearly he put it in a few pages - Im not saying its a complete and final definition of the term, but its interesting. there are really funny illustrations of dances in the book too-
and - I got cake makeup yesterday - its eyeliner that you put on with brushes and water - its really cool - I can do things like this

tell me thats not cool. ok, dont tell me, just think it, I dont need the discouragement

That book is fucking hysterical. It's the dance steps that kill me.