hmm, so I hear that my preferred gothic club is shutting down....
there're two here -and kind of a floating third. So, I went to the other one last night just for a change of scene, and because I wasnt really feeling well and stuff(its closer to my house and I usually walk when I go out so that I can drink a lot) - and its pretty cool I guess -lots of people seem to prefer it. its just so cramped, and it might just be me, but it always has the feel of a middleschool dance in the gymnasium to me for some reason- I think it might be because two of the normal bars in the club are shut down and dark because of the all ages thing, so it feels kind of odd - - it was fun though - met some new people
fuck, outside of that, my whole reading and studying russian thing is kind of on hold for the moment,I dont know why. The last book I read really struck me and its still kind of resonating, and Im just kind of floating through my days for awhile - I think I might take a certificate corse in metal working at tvi over the next year to learn metal fabrication and welding, its skilled labor, so it pays better than what Im doing now. It might not sound glamorous, but really, I do like doing physical work -

fuck, outside of that, my whole reading and studying russian thing is kind of on hold for the moment,I dont know why. The last book I read really struck me and its still kind of resonating, and Im just kind of floating through my days for awhile - I think I might take a certificate corse in metal working at tvi over the next year to learn metal fabrication and welding, its skilled labor, so it pays better than what Im doing now. It might not sound glamorous, but really, I do like doing physical work -
I love a guy who does physical work. its sexy
welding would be a great you would look hot...heehee