I wore this to the club last night - my friend asked if it was a bullet proof vest..... I dont know, I like it.... though I would like to make some stuff out of non leather materials too - leather is so heavy - but then, its supposed to be bondage, not just fetish gear -
so, in general, over the past couple weeks, Ive started thinking about my future more, and the idea of not having a career has begun to inspire a slight amount of terror in me - is there any real reason that you cant be gothic and have a job as a data analyst? so I have lip rings and strangely carved up hair and have tattoos(eventually) and scars all over my body -its called a personality....maybe I should finish my program in school -
what else- my sister got me a "teach yourself russian" package for xmas - Ive been wanting to get one for a long time, so thats neat - if I keep at that, Ill get a french one later on
and it's blackish blue. yeah hair colour that's odd is no big deal at the ol' dq