half man half amazing... i miss being bad or should i say mischievous. i have the urge to do a lot of mischief things lately, but thank god i have a wonderful wifey to keep me outta trouble. but somehow i end up in trouble either way but not the extent of what id be in if she wasn't here for me. i love attention lots of it, big Leo syndrome! i like to go out with a whole crew and be the craziest one! i havent done that in a long time. A.D.D.... i might have that...lol....my girl made me the bestest dinner today and i kinda ruined it cause i picked up my fone and started talking to one of my closest friend who disappeared on me for 3 months, so i was just going crazy on catching up with him and my delicious food kinda got cold but damn it was stillll oooooooh soooooo gooood mmm mmmm mmmm cheese and meat i love it! thanx a bunch julie food was amazing exactly like i tasted it (in my head lol) i am truely sorry bout my manners at the table please... i am hood, and would appreciate it if u corrected me on table manners lol
your the best and i lub u lots

You're welcome. I like cooking for you because I know you appreciate the effort. Im glad you got to catch up with Jon. I love you
i miss you so much. you are my heart.