Woo, guys I'm back!!!! thank god its a bank holiday today, i feel knackered, i think yesterday ended up being something like a 21 hour day, I struggle to keep my eyes open after 12!!!! I think I may have been a cat in a previous life, sleep is just too damn good!
Did anything happen whilst I was away?? The day after I landed in kefalonia, an Athens to Crete plane went down, which was a bit scary, but my thoughts go out to everyone who died.
Entertaining holiday, the only day I went online I decided to paint the restaurant/cocktail bar we were in the same colour as my cocktail. oops.
I drank 3 and a half cocktails in an hour or so (Greek cocktails are nearly all alcohol, and this one had 4 spirits in
) I don't thnk i was that far off drinking nearly a litre of alcohol! I passd out, hit my head and gave myself a black ear (!!!)
and it really bloody hurt!!!! bruised my arse, and leg too, few dfays later I had a bruise on my shoulder, I felt like I did 10 rounds with tyson! And to make it even better, I can't remember anyting from 6.16PM til 9PM or so..... so I can't remember falling off my chair!!!
Lazed on the beach lots. Unfortunately forgot my digital camera, and I found an amazing place to have done a SG app photoshoot. Damn!!!
Love you all! X
Did anything happen whilst I was away?? The day after I landed in kefalonia, an Athens to Crete plane went down, which was a bit scary, but my thoughts go out to everyone who died.
Entertaining holiday, the only day I went online I decided to paint the restaurant/cocktail bar we were in the same colour as my cocktail. oops.
Lazed on the beach lots. Unfortunately forgot my digital camera, and I found an amazing place to have done a SG app photoshoot. Damn!!!
Love you all! X
Yes, I'm afraid the pig is dead, because of a large attack of paranoia and some questionable behaviour from my ex.
So anyhoo. Did you miss anything? Well, I've had a couple of scrapes with members of the opposite sex (Scrapes being the operative word for one of them:eek
Other than that, you know, work, sleep. work, sleep, work, drinking binge.