This Saturday is my last day at Strawberry Fields. Fortunately, this is because I found a job I like more. I will soon be working at That's Rentertainment, which is where I wanted to work in the first place. It's strange--I will only have worked at Strawberry Fields for a little over a week, but it seems like a lot longer than that. Thanks for the support and advice, PersephoneRising and unmk!
More Blogs
Monday Sep 06, 2010
Josh and I just moved to the DC area a couple of weeks ago for his ne… -
Saturday May 09, 2009
I'm going to my graduation ceremony in about a week. Then two short s… -
Sunday Mar 15, 2009
I've been gone for a while. Some kind soul gave me 3 months free memb… -
Thursday Sep 20, 2007
Now I'm working on applying to grad school for Library and Informatio… -
Thursday Dec 14, 2006
The lovely joshuaheretic (aka tcrow) will be graduating on Sunday aft… -
Tuesday Nov 07, 2006
blah -
Saturday Oct 07, 2006
Gosh, it's been ever so long since I've updated. I've gotten interne… -
Saturday Aug 12, 2006
I only have internet access at work, because I've moved. I work 38 h… -
Thursday Jun 29, 2006
Nine Inch Nails on Saturday night! -
Monday Jun 26, 2006
Hooray, it's my birthday!
no problem sweetie! happy to hear you're moving on to better things
As for advice not a problem. I'd be willing to do so anytime.
Good luck with the new job!